当你成为一名黄夹克, 你正在加入一个蓬勃发展的社区,在那里你可以找到一个独特的归属.
BW的学生事务部在这里帮助你探索联系的机会, engage, and grow at Baldwin Wallace. 我们的目标是提供支持和资源,培养所有学生的归属感和包容性.
从你进入校园的那一天起, 有无数的机会去发现你在BW社区中的位置. 我们是来支持你们的知识分子的, 社区的社会和整体发展,通过提供包容性和热情的综合课程参与机会来培养归属感.
Dr. timka Rashid为Baldwin Wallace担任学生事务副总裁. 拉希德在学生事务管理方面有超过20年的经验, 欧博allbet开发和实施, strategic planning, 社区外展和参与. 作为俄亥俄州东北部的本地人, a first-gen student, 一所小型文理学院的骄傲毕业生, 母亲是BW的学生运动员, 她从根本上相信独特的黄夹克体验.
Clubs and Organizations
With 100多个俱乐部和组织 对于学生来说,有适合每个人的东西. 你会发现学术和信仰组织, 致力于多样性的团体, culture, fine arts and recreational sports, both club and intramural. 考虑加入兄弟会或姐妹会? Check out the 兄弟会和姐妹会 that are active on campus.
BW also has a marching band, STUNT and cheer; clubs devoted to service, education and wellness; honor societies; and student-run media including BUZZ-TV, WBWC-FM和指数报. Leadership development, from workshops to retreats, 帮助学生发展管理这些组织的技能.
The Yellow Jacket Activity Board (YJAB) is the student-run campus programming board that plans multiple events each month for the BW student body. YJAB hosts live entertainment such as hypnotists, musicians and comedians; late night programs such as BINGO and late-night breakfast; and off-campus events such as Cedar Point, Playhouse Square and Cleveland sporting events. On-campus YJAB programs are free to BW students, and off-campus programs, which include provided transportation, are offered at a discounted rate.
Prefer your fun to be active and outdoors? Check out the outdoor adventures program for annual sailing trips in the Florida Keys, whitewater adventures, ski trips to the slopes in New York and West Virginia, and camping trips throughout the year.
For students driving to campus every day, the Commuter Activity Board (CAB) sponsors various social activities for commuter students, such as bowling, cookouts and a popular weekly pizza lunch event.
Cultural Events
集音乐、戏剧、讲座、展览等于一体 arts and cultural events BW会给你很多选择来填补你的空闲时间和你的感官. 拓展你的文化视野, 被才华横溢的同学和教授所折服, 并邀请来自世界各地的著名嘉宾参加免费讲座, concerts, master classes, workshops and performances.